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2 Complementation of NPs

Nouns may take complements just like verbs. If a verb selects a particular Adposition, then the noun corresponding to that verb selects the same Adposition. An example is provided by the verb hoopje ‘hope’ and the corresponding noun Hopenge ‘hope’.

Wie hoopje ap sien Kumen.
we hope on his coming
We hope for his coming.
Ju Hopenge ap sien Kumen.
the hope on his coming
The hope of his coming.

Verbs have two types of infinitival endings: one verbal, one gerundial (nominal like). The gerundial ending is in -en. It is present on the form Kumen ‘coming’. The verbal counterpart is in -e, so it would be kume ‘come’. There may be differences with respect to complementation for the two types. They are both treated below.


Several subclasses of Nouns typically have complements and these complement may be of the categories given below. Thus the following topics are dealt with:

Aspects of each of these complements will be discussed.

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