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5 Attribution of APs

An attribution involves an Adjective Phrase (AP) that is attributed of a noun and that is governed by a determiner. Thus the format is: DET + AP + N, though DET may also be absent. Two examples are given below:

‘n Oold Huus.
a old house.NTR.SG
An old house.
Oolde Huze.
old House.PL
Old houses.

The attributive AP is sandwiched in beween the determiner and the noun. The determiner and the adjective participate in an impoverished form of gender agreement with the noun. In addition, adjectives may be stacked between the determiner and the noun: there can be one AP or two or as much as the speaker likes.


The position and agreement properties of attributive adjectives may differ from those of other prenominal elements such as articles. For the intricacies of adjectival agreement within NP, see the topic: 5.1. Agreement of APs with a following Noun and a preceding determiner.

A noun may be omitted following an adjective but also following other prenominal elements. This so-called noun ellipsis may be accompanied by special agreement phenomena. See the topic: 5.2. Noun Ellipsis.

A special type of agreement on certain adjective ends in –t, a borrowing from Low German. See the topic: 5.3. Borrowed agreement.

A quantifier may occur separated from the argument which it applies to. See the topic: 5.4. Discontinuity of noun and quantifier or adjective.

Attributive adjectives may be accompanied by arguments and modifiers, yielding complex phrases with characteristic linearization and agreement properties. The attributive construction may contain a list of several APs. Such a stacking construction differs from coordination and it exhibits characteristic orderings among the adjectives involved depending on their semantic type.

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