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This chapter has given a bird's eye view of the organization of the clause in Standard Dutch. We have seen that the clause can be divided into three parts on the basis of the position of the complementizer/verbs. The first part is the clause-initial position preceding the complementizer/finite verb in second position, which is the landing site for interrogative and topicalized phrases. The second is the postverbal field following the verbs in clause-final position, in which we find a wide variety of constituents with the exception of nominal arguments, complementives and manner adverbs. The remaining part of the clause is the middle field in between the complementizer/finite verb in second position and the verb(s) in clause-final position. We have seen that the word order in this part of the clause is relatively free and is determined by a variety of movement rules, which are often (incorrectly) lumped together as scrambling. In Chapter 10 to Chapter 13 we will discuss the movements operations that were introduced in this chapter in more detail.

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